About Me

Hi! 👋 I’m Chris Lovejoy.

I’m a Data Scientist, Medical Doctor and Academic Researcher. I previously worked at a fast-growing healthtech start-up (Cera Care), I have a YouTube Channel and wrote a book about learning.


I studied Medicine at Cambridge University from 2011 to 2017, and have worked as a doctor at several hospitals around London since then.

  • Book: I wrote a short book sharing experiences, reflections and advice for learning medicine. You can read it here or buy it on Amazon.
  • Blog: Here I share reflections on learning medicine, articles I have published and thoughts on the future of healthcare.

Machine Learning

After qualifying as a doctor, I studied machine learning - initially self-taught then a Master’s Degree - before working full-time as a data scientist / machine learning engineer.

  • Blog: Here are posts for people interested in machine learning applied to medicine, including research paper summaries, resource recommendations, a careers guide and answer to questions I often get asked.
  • Courses: I run in-person machine learning for healthcare courses in London, both independently and for UCL. I’ve recorded these as a video series available here.
  • Academic: For those interested in my academic work, my publications are available here.


If you’re ever in London and want to meet up, drop me an email at hi@chrislovejoy.me